Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend in Oklahoma

We are visiting with Amy and Rob this weekend.
We went to the Air Force Airshow. Here is a picture of everyone who was at their house except Nick and Sherry. We had fun and can hardly wait to come back for a visit.

Here is a picture of some of us girls with our new sunglasses before Daphne and Cindi left this morning before church. (left to right- Daphne, Mindi, me, Cindi, Destiny, Emily, and Charlotte).

Thanks Rob and Amy for letting us come visit! We love you!


Wayne and Charlotte Dixon. said...

I love your blog! :)

Montgomery's said...

Welcome to blog world! We just LOVED having your guys out. We enjoyed it so much! Please come back! We love you all!

It's been so long since I've been on here, I don't remember our username and password!

Love ya!
Amy, Rob, Emma, Madison & Kaylee

Montgomery's said...

Okay, I thought I knew it! I didn't forget! I just didn't know I had to do this word verification thing first!

DestinyBrianna. said...

haha remember the edited version of this picture?